queXF 1.7.0 has been released today. Download it at Sourceforge
It contains the following new features:
- Scanned images are rotated, scaled and offset to handle scanning irregularities
- Missing pages are inserted in to the set if only 1 page is missing
New columns are required in the database, so follow the instructions to upgrade from 1.6.0...
Upgrading from 1.6.0:
1. Backup config.inc.php (copy to config.inc.php.bak)
2. Extract the new package over your existing installation of queXF 1.6.0
3. Run the following SQL code on your queXF database (will allow for the processing function to operate):
ALTER TABLE pages ADD COLUMN `rotation` double NOT NULL default '0' COMMENT 'rotation of image in radians' AFTER `bry`;
ALTER TABLE formpages ADD COLUMN `costheta` double default NULL;
ALTER TABLE formpages ADD COLUMN `sintheta` double default NULL;
ALTER TABLE formpages ADD COLUMN `scalex` double default NULL;
ALTER TABLE formpages ADD COLUMN `scaley` double default NULL;
ALTER TABLE formpages ADD COLUMN `centroidx` double default NULL;
ALTER TABLE formpages ADD COLUMN `centroidy` double default NULL;
4. Copy your config.inc.php.bak file over the extracted config file.