queXF 1.6.0 has been released today. It is available for download at Sourceforge
New features:
- Added pagesetup.php for help setting up the config.inc.php for your page layout
- Ability to "watch" a directory for PDF files and process them as they are placed there
Bug fixes:
- Importing memory reduced by only keeping current page in memory
Read more for how to upgrade from 1.5.0...
Upgrading from 1.5.0...
1. Backup config.inc.php (copy to config.inc.php.bak)
2. Extract the new package over your existing installation of queXF 1.5.0
3. Run the following SQL code on your queXF database (will allow for the processing function to operate):
CREATE TABLE `process` (
`process_id` bigint(20) NOT NULL auto_increment,
`start` datetime NOT NULL,
`stop` datetime default NULL,
`kill` tinyint(1) NOT NULL default '0',
`data` longtext collate utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (`process_id`)
4. Copy your config.inc.php.bak file over the extracted config file.