queXF Windows Installation

NOTE: This guide is outdated - I suggest you use Docker Toolbox - see here: https://quexf.acspri.org.au/quexf-windows-installation-using-docker-toolbox


queXF for Windows (using XAMPP)



queXF for Windows is simply the queXF package with all the required executable files and configuration to run out of the box. This functionality is provided by the XAMPP package. I have simply packaged queXF using XAMPP, and added Ghostscript and ADOdb


It may be useful for testing and temporary use but please note that XAMPP is not necessarily secure, and may need to be modified for secure use.



  1. Download the queXF for Windows package from SourceForge

  2. Execute the file to extract it to a root directory (such as c:\ ) or a usb stick root directory (eg e:\ ) - It is a 7zip compressed self executable file

    • Please note you will need at least 500Mb free

  1. Go to the directory: xampp



  1. Execute the file xampp_control.exe then click on "Start" for Apache and MySQL

  2. Go to: http://localhost// in your browser

    • Note the default authentication credentials are listed on the top of the page.

  1. Follow the queXF documentation here: http://quexf.acspri.org.au/node/16



  1. Bring up the XAMPP control panel and click stop for Apache and MySQL